The Options for the Plugin IMG mouseover
It understands the following attributes which can be added to the HTML:
img.class=“mouseover“ (activates IMG mouseover for this image)
img.oversrc (If specified, this rewrites the image on mouse rollover)
img.clicksrc (If specified, this rewrites the image on mouse click)
img.noresize (If set, this will make the image have the natural dimensions instead of the dimensions of the original image).
a.class=“mouseover“ (activates A tag as a controller for another image, when clicked a class „selected“ is tacked on)
a.for (Should be specified to point to target image. Image must be class mouseover)
a.for_link (If specified the ID of a link is replaced with this one)
a.src (If specified, the click will replace the image with this)
a.oversrc (If specified, the click will replace the image mouse rollover with this)
a.clicksrc (If specified, the click will replace the image mouse click with this)
example coding:
<img src="" oversrc=""/>
Image example:
Another Link for CSS mouseover is:
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